It's All About the Money.....

.... that's all we need to save Blipfoto.

As several Blippers have pointed out, the contribution to help save Blip is miniscule compared to what we would spend on other things we enjoy.

Of course I think I am preaching to the converted here.
Just about everyone I follow is broadcasting the same message, but if you haven't pledged yet please go the BlipFuture site and make your promise.

Remember if this doesn't work your money is not debited.
If it does, you have helped to save what we all love: the opportunity to publish our images; the incentive to keep on photographing; the heightened awareness being a Blipper brings; the continual experimentation and improvement of our skills; the opportunity to see the wonderful work of other photographers; constructive and usually positive feedback; and above all the wonderful community which we have joined.

Happy New Year and Keep on Blipping.

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