A Blipping Great Start

After all the mild weather we have had today was an icy start. An icy start on the day I was jumping into the freezing waters of Salford Quays. 

I put the radio on as I was getting ready and listened to Sara Cox asking what people were getting up to today. Well, what the hell, I thought, I decided to send a text about the swim. Within a few minutes my phone rang...they only wanted me to go on Radio 2 to chat to Sara about it....eeek! Well I couldn't say no, could I?

I haven't listened to myself, but I think it went okay...it was a fun start to the day anyway. 

So.....the swim. Oh my, it was freezing, but by jingo it is one fabulous adrenalin rush. There were far more people there than the last couple of years, in fact so many that we had to set off in four different waves. We swam further too. I think it was about 1500m, but it felt much more. Quite a few of us wore silly hats, which I had spoken about on the radio, and as I was about to wade into the water a man in a top hat and moustache....well what else would any self respecting wetsuit swimmer wear?...tapped me on the shoulder, "Were you on the radio this morning?"  fame at last! 

As I struggled out at the end of my swim, on feet that were numb with cold...and didn't thaw out for at least an hour...a woman who was about to do her swim said, "The reindeer hat! I heard you on the radio this morning!" Oh, it was absolutely brilliant. What a way to start the year.

As is the tradition now, Sian came down to support me and took the pics for me...she is a superstar because it was blinkin' cold and she hates the cold. We went for a celebratory hot drink and a danish afterwards...thanks Sian :))

AND.......well you are all sharing this moment with me because of blip. I love blip, I love blippers and I would hate for it all to disappear. I have made wonderful friends because of blip, friends I've talked to each day and some whom I have met....and there are more whom I'm planning on meeting up with this year. I don't want to lose this. I've pledged what I can at the moment, if I can I will pledge more. Oh I hope and pray that blip goes on forever....and ever!!!!

Radio 2  just in case you fancy listening! Go to 2 hours 40 mins :)

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