If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Blip and I

Not the most original of shots not even a good one of a few pistachios!  I was never particularly arty  or good at original ideas for photos.  The point is Blip Future wants us to mark today's shots with the work "Blip" and say something about what Blip means to us.  This write up may get a bit lengthy.

First let me say I am more than a little concerned by at first being told we had 88 days to save blip and then suddenly finding that the goal posts have changed and the time span is much less.

What does Blip mean to me.  First a time scale.  My family have been blipping since early 2009.  I took photos but didn't want to start blipping partly because the family had such a good record (Clickychick is currently coming up for 7 years without missing a day) and partly because I felt
I would run out of inspiration for shots.  I was right I frequently run out of ideas but fortunately CC can generally gently point me towards something.  I started blipping on the 17th December 2013 and I have managed to date without missing a single day.

In the years BB (before blip) I didn't take photographs regularly and didn't really think about how to  make them better.  I often remarked that there was little point in taking shots as I hadn't anything to do with them.  CC suggested I started blipping to record the lead up to my hip replacement and my recovery afterwards.  This seeemd like a good idea as the details would fade form memory and I have never kept a journal.  I confidently expected to not post a shot a day and to stop soon after I could  say I was fully recovered.

The fascinating thing is blip has changed the way I look at the world.  OK I haven't yet fully cracked the idea that a shot doesn't have to be of the whole item and from a sensible view point but I am changing.  Blipping has become a bit adictive. I would be a bit upset now if I got no shot at all for  any particular day.  It has also done something I have never managed before in my 60+ years of life given me a daily journal of things I have done.  The sight of a "blip" brings the memory of the day flooding back.
Last and not least I have made a number of "friends" both virtual and those met on blip meets through blip.  it has brought me into closer contact with parts of the family I wasn't particularly in touch with.

Blip must survive!  I only wish there had been a greater time scale than the 88 days let alone the vastly truncated 11th of this month.

If you have not already pledged/donated and can spare a little cash PLEASE do so before the 11th!  
The required link is here.

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