
Nearly forgot to do this, but thankfully a quick glance at blip this evening reminded me - great to see so many people supporting the blipfuture cause.

I've just completed 4 years of posting a photo a day - I started out on flickr (still have all my photos there, although I'm a little behind in posting), but was lured over to blip in the October of my first year, by one of my oldest, best, friends.  I could see from her blips what a lovely community I would be entering, and also liked the strict, uncluttered approach of only posting a single photo each day.  Although I could never manage to maintain a written diary for more than a month, blip has ended up being my online journal - without a single missed day - for the past 3-and-a-bit years.  I love seeing everyone else's record of their days, too - although I am somewhat lax about commenting.  I do check in now and again, and I do comment, fave, etc, when I have time.

Anyway, enough about me - the point of this post, and most of the posts on blip today, is that the future of blipfoto is under threat.   Head over to to find out more and to have the chance to invest in the future of this wonderful site and community.

(In other news, today was a pleasantly quiet one - and hangover-free, too - hooray!  Tim and I did very little and enjoyed every minute of it.)

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