
By CharlotteJ

The Count Down Begins (Save Blip!)

Blip Future have 11/10 days to hit the target to Save Blip….the figure pledged so far is just a nats over £80k,  Another £100k must be found in 11/10days!!  I fear the worse!!

I of course have pledged - here is the link -
Looking at all of the Save Blip photos over the recent days I have seen the same words used and the same feelings expressed.  Blip is a part of us all, we cannot loose such a unique place.  Facebook, Twitter, 365, Instagram and all other variables are just not the same.   When I joined blip I had no idea how much it would become part of my life and how natural the words ‘ I don’t have a blip’ (roll of eyes from hubby!) or ‘yep, I’ve blipped’ would become.  I have learnt so much from amazing people, and not just about how to capture a photo.  I have enjoyed the comments, the sharing of ideas, the support, the laugher, the blip meets, the sharing of daily life – the list goes on!  On what platform can you be friends with a person in another country or even in the same country, never spoken to them but know, love and respect so much about that person?  There isn’t.  Photos speak a thousand words.  Blippers are unique beyond words.  If we lose blip (I really hope we don’t), thank you to each and every one of you who has commented, stared blips, gave hearts, given virtual hugs (some real hugs too), been a friend virtually, become a real friend in real life, given advise, been supportive, laughed with me, cried with me or just simply being there and looking into my day and looking at the photo I have chosen albeit good, bad or ugly, you are all amazing and I will be sure to miss each and every one of you.
Tomorrow sees our last day in Australia until February when we shall return.  I am looking forward to seeing my girls (Tess and Mills (regular blippers know these two names well and as my cats!)).
We have a lot to do between landing back in the UK and heading back to Australia.  We have no fixed aboded in Australia for the whole of February and most of March, but we do have a place to call home from March!! Something will turn up for Feb and March I am sure, we just need to look!!!

Fingers crossed blip is still around for me to share my adventure with you all x

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