Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

A Promise

...of summer to come.

Yes, there was a little sunshine. I saw blue sky!
The brambles looked so pretty with the evening sunshine streaming through the petals. They made my day.

I managed to strim the grass this afternoon. You could hardy have called the foot high grass a lawn! It does look so much better now.

Another promise.
... to respect my bees.

Any beekeeper will tell you that you have to inform your bee's of everything. In the morning you say 'good morning, bees'. In the evening you say, 'Goodnight, bees'. You wish your bee's, 'Happy Christmas'. You tell them of every birth, death or marriage. It has always been that way.
You tell them of changes so they don't get upset. You don't forget to tell them your going near their hive with a strimmer.

I came off lightly. The colony is very docile and I haven't yet been stung but, boy did they chase me and the dogs into the house! I watched a half hour of Wimbledon to let them calm down.

The bees are loving the flowers on the brambles. Almost all the flowers are constantly covered with them collecting sweet pollen. For once I decided to have a shot without an insect... just to prove I can. :)

Angellightphoto has pointed out that I didn't succeed and there is a fly in there somewhere. Proof that my contacts need changing!

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