
By FrankS

At Work

I had two computer jobs today. This is very unusual as since I retired I try not to do more than one thing per day *joke* but I don't normally like to take on two computer jobs on one day (one a week is enough for me).

I just seem to have a busy couple of weeks, most of which is social/pleasure so that's OK. This afternoon was one of those messy jobs - linking Outlook Express to Virgin Mail. Why people still want to use Outlook Express I can't imagine. Virgin mail, like most others is available via the web, but oh no, they want it downloaded onto their pc's, little suspecting that (a) they'll lose it all when their machine gives up the ghost and (b) Windows 7 does not support Outlook Express, you have to use Windows Live Mail, if you must.

Still, far be it for me to argue with the customer. They are, after all, always right!

In the meantime Ann and Emma went off car searching and finally found a Ka at a price she could afford we were willing to pay. So that's another problem sorted, Emma can get to her new job on Monday morning.

About a month ago I posted a photo of a blackbird in the garden - see Bye Bye Blackbird. Well today I saw her on her nest, nestling amongst our Virginia Creeper and Wisteria foliage. I didn't want to disturb her so didn't get too close, and was not sure if she would show up clearly in the darkness, but I was quite pleased with the result.

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