Jumping for...

... the ball.

Jamie was sick last night at mums and then on the way home in the car to.

It was one of those close ones.... He starts to say he's feeling sick.... I reach for the sick bowl that we keep under the seat for these kind of moments..... I can't get it out because of the guitar that has been wedged in the back foot well.

Meanwhile Jamie is really struggling....

I say to Mr J that he'll have to pull over....

Jamie struggling....

He pulls over....

Jamie really struggling...

I ask if Mr J can pull his seat forward to help me get the bowl....

Jamie starting to go.....

I get it, pull it out.... Just get it up to Jamies face as he projectile vomits...... right into it!

Ooopfh..... Talk about close call!

Anyway.... The family walk with mum and dad is abandoned and we head home....

Poor soul.

So it's just Ruaraidh and I on the dog walk later.

Jamie's a bit better now and hasn't been sick since.
Hopefully it's just due to too many goodies at Granny and Grandads!

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