Blackfriars Street

9th day of Cigmas? It all merges into one long drinking eating being civil to family no school tv repeats existence.

Thank heavens for ridiculous blip side projects like Cigs which underpin things and give a basis of normality. Well, you know what I mean....

So on the way to my brother's 50th birthday lunch (driving? Who's idea was THAT?) I spotted this one omission the other day on the Scot:land Ne'er Day amble.

The grumpy tired one stayed put whilst the full of chocolate one bounced around obligingly as the human interest (he found his big brother's half eaten tube of Smarties - there's a fraction of that left now; just don't tell his brother just yet and perhaps he'll not notice)

Silver pen / black bin combo. Another asterisk; one of 3? 4? I must dust down the ledgers and check when I sober up.

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