
By Incredibish

Jovian Fly-by

Ok, I admit, I'm getting bored with the weather... so let's imagine we're zooming through the solar system on our rock-et ship. a-ha...

Janet's succumbed to the cold I'm now free of (or someone else's... yes, let's agree it is someone else's!) and there's little impetus for seeking the outdoors. The high-point of the day today was fitting a terabyte of storage into the tv so I can record all the programmes I can't be bothered to watch...

I collect stones. Wherever I go I'll generally notice a stone calling out "take me home!" and these are a few of those I listened to. There's a hole all the way through the larger one, which is supposed to be lucky although in truth when it happens to people they're seldom pleased..

Come Sun, or come snow, but please, rain, do us all a favour and sod off.

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