Sunset after Frank

The sunshine was hidden behind the cloud and continuous rain today.

We have many a fond memory of the Cuillen ridge disappearing into the mist. Today is no exception. Except today, it doesn't matter; we weren't hoping to be up there.

Instead (once we made it out if bed), we had a pit stop in Portree and visited the Glen Brittle hut in the hope of meeting an old friend, Patrick. But he wasn't there so we continued our tour in the deluge. 

As we headed for home, the rain finally stopped and we spotted a snow capped Stor with a light mist swirling over the top. I commented on how unlikely but beautiful it would be if the sun did manage to break through and turn the cloud drift pink. 

No sooner was it said than done. 

Simply breathtaking. 24 hours of Storm Frank rain is suddenly forgotten.

We found a place to stop and stare.

After tea and DVD night we looked out to find clear skies so stepped out for a bit of star gazing in the crisp air. The depth in the sky was incredible and the more you looked the more you saw. 


Quote of the day is from the film and is about using your imagination, "Never stop seeing what isn't there." 

I like that. 

I think I'll be borrowing that when I'm teaching.

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