Murky sky

Over five hours spent today with checking properties at Murcia. 8 different realtors have houses we wanna see... All the places put in a map so next we need to make plans which ones to see the same day and then try to make that happen with the realtors.

Still need to do the same about Huelva area properties.

And need to arrange where we are able to stay with the dogs.

Also we made tomato / vegetable soup today from fresh vegetables. Yummy. Now I'm hungry and there's not much that I'm able to eat in the fridge. I'll survive.

So semi productive day. I have a stiff neck. I slept bad the night before last and today I've had to turn my hole torso to be able to look to side. I hope it's better tomorrow. I'm getting sick of this. Also my abs hurt if a cough (the Pilates from day before). My back muscles too have some soreness due to same reason as my abs. I basically feel like anything I do - hurts.

I'm hoping to continue with Pilates tomorrow. It's very effective.

And in addition we found a tv-series both my husband and I like to watch: iZombie. Would you have guessed that? :-)

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