New Kid in Town

He's new to the neighborhood. He is really really young. Looks like he could still have a pin feather or two. He's a young jay and somebody in our flock is his mom I am sure. He may be related to Roger since he/she let him eat without chasing him away. He's already got that punk rocker look though his black feathers are still paler than the adults and he doesn't have the two blue lines on his forehead yet. It was great to see him feeding today. Here he is large.

We are having another quiet day today before the first concert tomorrow. My brother Steve is back from his trip to Montana and Larry is coming in after rehearsal this afternoon. So we'll have a happy gathering this evening.

It will be good to see Steve. It's been awhile. He and Kai had a great time and cycled the entire week except one ride where there was horrendous headwind. Steve did it anyhow. (Just like a McMillan. Headstrong and stubborn. Moi? Well, yes) Kai, like half of the riders on the trip, took half a day off. Steve said he was so tired that he could hardly eat dinner that night.

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