Mono Monday - Beginnings

This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.  Winston Churchill November 10, 1942

This is my newly constructed work bench.  I think it is probably the only workbench with a built-under fridge.  Now,  you might think it's there to store bottles of beer to refresh the thirsty workman.  However that wouldn't work for me as I don't like chilled beer.

The truth is that this is our spare fridge which is brought into use at Christmas and parties etc.  I thought it was taking up a lot of space in the garage and told Technophobe that I thought we should get rid of it.  That suggestion did not go down well so we came up with the compromise you can see in the picture.

I daren't show you the photo in the other direction as that is my task for tomorrow. 

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