Life through the lens...

By ValC

End of Christmas

The last Buche de Noel.
Made for our youngest son and family who came round for a meal today.
Roast gammon for the meat eaters, spicy chicken skewers for R's girlfriend who doesn't like ham, and vegetarian Bourguignon pie for R's mum who doesn't eat meat of fish. ( this took the most making!)
A bit of gammon left and that is all. 
Our family all have good appetites!

So tomorrow the tree is coming down, and all the decorations packed away for another year.

Now looking forward to 2016 and seeing what the new year brings.

I found these words on a French Blog which I follow, and thought I would share them with you at the beginning of this new year.

" Developpe en toi l' independance a tout moment, avec bienveillance simplicite et modestie".

Develop at every moment in yourself independence, loving - kindness, simplicity and modesty.

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