
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Well it isn't as everything is taken down and waiting for me to brave the dead fly graveyard that is our loft. Everything except my tablecloth that is. I rather like it so it's staying until there are too many tomato sauce/curry stains on it.

This is my first time participating in a Mono Monday, only I'm a day late uploading as I spent all morning helping a friend do her CV then all afternoon/evening trying to create a 2015 photo book.

I have 'shortlisted' 591 photos for 2015 and have attempted different websites. Photobox seemed to do what I want but I am struggling with uploading the photos and saving them in the right folders and not getting duplicates...

It's put me off trying to create Blip books in Blurb to be honest (pictures AND text!? It would be carnage)

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