Journey Through Time

By Sue

Coneflower (Echinacea)

This interesting flower starts out with it's little petals straight up and over time, this flower slowly turns itself practically inside out, as the petals will end up facing downward as the middle spiky part will push itself up and out. It's a terrific plant for photography with it's sharp architectural detail and color combinations. Oh, and this was taken with my "nifty 50"mm. If you do not have one, I highly recommend getting one. I'm sure most of you already have one, being the crack photographers that you all are! This is just the cheapest $100 lens, but,'s a terrific lens.

Had a lovely day yesterday visiting with my relatives. Lots of laughs. They were fascinated with our fireworks here, as this state allows fireworks to fly through the air. I tried to get a photo of the almost full moon last night as it was so red looking when it was low on the horizon, but I wiggled too much or something, as they were out of focus.

Went for a walk late this afternoon and I got a tad uncomfortable on this summer day. It is July 5th, the unofficial start of the hottest weather we have in our part of the country. Compared to the rest of the US, we were very cool indeed.

Taking it easy today. Had to get Bill's pension papers notarized and in the mail. Hard to believe we are officially "pensioners." LOL He worked 14 years in the Union, so it's not a lot, but every bit helps. Thank you floor covering union.

Hope your day is easy, too. See ya later, with any luck.

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