
There I was, lurking around watering flowers at the Cottage on my lunch hour, camera in hand, ready to catch a quick little pic in the intensely glaring perfect high noon sunlight, thinking our guests were out playing on the beach somewhere, when out through the front door comes a guest! Well now, that was shocking, wasn't it! I've never been caught taking pictures by a guest before. I was actually a bit ashamed to even be trying to photograph anything in this light. Pretty painful, really, and it didn't help one bit that it turns out he's actually a photographer. Sigh.

Well now, what am I thinking??!! This is exciting! He talked about all the lovely photos he's getting of the waterfall and, of course, he's catching them during the best light of the day! Yay him!! He's offered to share with me and I can't wait to see them!!!

After a nice visit, I got in my car and pretended to drive away drove far enough to stop and snap a quick one of the roses that grace the entrance to the drive way. I had that really shy feeling I used to have in high school when you didn't want anyone to see your drawings in art class...and so I didn't stop to compose the shot. Sort of a shoot and run, really {squirm}

He was really a nice fellow, and I'm so glad to see they are having a lovely time and it really was very nice of the sun to show up before their trip ended!

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