Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

15 weeks old

Dropped Kilda off at day care and was promised by Sam that she would personally feed her and let me know when she had been fed. Didn’t hear anything so called at 2pm to be told she had eaten all her food with no issues and was off with a friend for a nap. They had tried to email but it bounced back.

Spent lunchtime downloading some more entryies from Blip so I can create a 365 book somewhere. I have 2 years worth to download and books to do. Not sure how long Blip might be around and don’t want to loose the info. Not sure what software to use but I can figure that out later. Collected her and spoke to the owner. He assured me there had been a problem yesterday but she was well looked after today and he also made sure she was fed. Brought her home and she slept in the car all the way back. Unheard of. Her she is showing off her new dog tag on her collar.

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