
There is currently a competition in the Price family household for weight loss, I have a feeling I'm going to lose not because of effort but because I don't want to loose much, maybe just a few pounds.

It was film night at my mates which normally means junk food, but I kept to the plan and had a salad with a bit of pasta (bought in the supermarket/above image).

Still not a single sweet, biscuit, piece of chocolate or crisp has passed my lips since Sunday night, which is quite amazing (anyone who knows me will know what a sweet tooth I have). What is more amazing I'm not craving for it either. 2016 is starting weird.

Film 1: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.

Probably my least favourite of the original three, but still epic and better than any of episodes I to III. I still remember seeing the AT-ATs for the first time and thinking how awesome they were. Oh and Princess Leia was so sweet back in the day. 8/10

Film 2: Scout's Guide to a Zombie Apocalypse

As you can imagine from this title I wasn't expecting much but in all fairness it did make me laugh a few times and it was incredibly well made, with some quite brilliant special effects. 6.5/10

Mr Bo Hingles  

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