
We flew back home today & must have gotten some snow while we were gone as the grass is all covered & we could see that the roads must have been plowed in the last day or so. Our neighbor, bless him, had cleared our driveway and sidewalks for us!
It was so hard to leave Arkansas! The girls were giving Courtney a really hard time about going to bed last night & finally she asked them what was wrong with them as they never act like that. Addy told her that they didn't want to go to bed because they knew when they'd get up in the morning we'd be gone. When Court finally got them to bed I went up to read to Ella & she cried and cried as she hugged me because she didn't want us to leave!! I knew they'd be fine this morning (& they were, as I texted Courtney to check) but even so it near broke my heart last night!
Thanks so much for all the comments while I've been gone, & I'll get caught up in a day or so!! :))

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