
By Croft16

Rainbow over Sheigra.. (and Jenny's house).

Jenny has riding stables. With horses. Horses make manure. Manure makes vegetables grow. Can you see where I'm going here?

Every couple of months I go up with a trailer and get bags on horse poo. On this occasion 42 of them. I provide the bags (empty chicken feed bags), she goes around the fields with an AVT, and fills the bags, and we're all happy..

We get to go for a walk with Tans in this lovely remote spot. It could be the most Northerly riding stables on the UK mainland!

Did have a bit of a problem on the way back. I found out that 42 bags of horse manure was a bit much for the trailer, and had a blow-out in a tyre. Had all the tools, and a spare, so was on the road again within 30 minutes..

..and I think the next blip brings me up to date..

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