Allotment Bumbling!

I spent the morning on the allotment - cleaning and feeding chickens, playing with the incinerator and my camera! Oh and I did some pruning and weeding! Unfortunately the weeding amongst the pruning  of raspberry canes resulted in lots of itty bitty thorns and two torn nails - right across the nail bed - ouch! My own fault as I had gloves but didn't stop to put them on - sometimes ( often) I'm my own worst enemy! 
I've joined an online photography course by Emma Davies along with an awful lot of other blippers - more and more are arriving every day and it's odd to see peoples real names!  So our first assignment was to chose a theme to run over the entire year, by the end of which it would form a collage. I hate deciding such things! Reminds me of the school Christmas play - until I had chosen what to do I would be highly unsettled - once pinned down it was a breeze! Knowing it was to be a collage I wanted something that would work as a collage. So nothing really grabbed me until I was on the allotment - it was obvious - water! As in drips, drops, plops and dew! I also include hopefully frost! Unfortunately I had not brought the tripod to the allotment, so just had to make do with steadying my macro lens as best I could and experimenting with the normal lens! So these two are my first ones for the album - hopefully I will  do better over the year and with a tripod! But the water splash and DOF are two of the  many things I would love to be able to do well! 

Great to see the changed header about saving blip and us blippers buying it as a community, and seeing it at the top of any blip you open - nearly at £110,000!!! Hopefully this will see the meeting on the 12th January going our way! 

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