Afternoon Tea

Afternoon tea with Fiona's mom today.  Interestingly enough, her mom, Karen, and I became friends through blipfoto.  It was on the 25th of Sept., 2010, shortly after my involvement with blipfoto began, that Paul and I decided to go to the park to see a dog show and look for something fun to blip.  We had a lovely conversation with Karen that day. She was warm and friendly, and really made an impact on us, with her kind willingness to share Fiona's story. 
Since that time, Karen and I have become Face Book friends, and I was touched when she recognized me downtown one day.  Recently, she posted a picture of this lovely tea pot, a gift she had received, and I was in the mood for tea when I saw it and expressed a desire to have a cup.  The next thing we know, we are planning a "tea meet" with a walk in the same park where we met 5 years ago and an afternoon tea at her lovely home afterward. 
Mr. Contraptioneer came along too, and we had a fine afternoon, learning of many interests and experiences we have in common.  This was a different sort of "blipmeet".  Not when two blippers meet up, but when blipper and blipped meet because life happened and there we were, sharing common ground.  

At this time, all we love and know as the blip community is at stake.  I know that seasons come and seasons go, but they don't always take a whole bunch of your history and friends with them.  I don't want this season to end.  I was finally successful at logging onto blipfuture's site today and made my pledge.  When doing this on an iPhone, it is necessary to turn it sideways for a long view of the page so that all the fields will populate...or at least that was the case for me.  I hope you will consider doing so, as well, if this site has meant something to you.  We stand a real chance of making this happen.

*See extra pictures of tea time in the Extra photos

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