Let's Keep Blip Alive .

This amazing piece of art work (not everyone's taste) ) is the work of Lottie Consalvo . She is an Australian artist who I met years ago in Berlin. .At that time Lottie worked by recycling what is best termed derelict.This is a work I loved and bought. Entitled "THE MOURNING AFTER " It is rather unusual and the eyes , large and staring are searching for a way after loss . Oddly enough it looks beautiful in a lamp lit room . Just as Blip future is searching for a way out of rather dark times ,pledges continue to grow but more is still needed. Lottie brought life back to abandoned bits and pieces . I 've no wish to abandon Blip and hope more of you feel likewise . Look at the banner .and pledge a little ,no matter how small .In so doing this platform we all know and enjoy will never become derelict .It really is up to all of us and then together we own a platform worth working for .  "AND IT WILL BE  OURS ," 
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The clock is ticking :)

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