La vida de Annie

By Annie

Descansa en paz, DB.

Seven years of blipping today, and I was hoping for a good sunset so that I could (virtually) suspend a 7 from the creeper around the terrace with the sky in the background. Other more important events happened today so I chose to put Ziggy Stardust there instead.
I found David Bowie by accident while still at school. I had just started saving my pocket money to buy vinyl singles, and went into a little record shop near my school. Having just been blown away by watching "2001 - a space odyssey" at the cinema, and knowing that the soundtrack was available on records, I asked for "Space Odyssey, please". You can imagine what I came out with instead! When I got home and put it on the record player, there was a distinct WTF moment - I was expecting the tone poem "Also sprach Zarathustra" and this was not it, unless Richard Strauss had a secret side to him. After a few listens I was hooked, and decided not to return it after all. I got the film music a month later.
A Bowie fan, but more importantly a Queen one, my choice to honour two dead icons has to be this of course.
What a party they'll be having tonight. Go well, Starman.

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