Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Mum's Tea Set

In October of1998 my mother - who was 84 at the time - and I went to England together to visit her brother - who was living at the time in Broadstairs, Kent - and was turning 90. While we had the chance we spent a few days in London seeing the sights. And also while in London she treated herself to a few rather pricey pieces of a Spode tea set - tea pot, hot water pot (in her view, not coffee pot) and cream pitcher. The items were duly packed up and shipped to her, and arrived safe and sound! She used them every afternoon at tea time thereafter, until her death in 2005. At which point I grabbed adopted them. They have been in my kitchen cupboard ever since and I venture to say never used. But much loved, nonetheless. We do actually have tea every afternoon - but we don't do fancy. Today they were delighted when I took them down and asked them to pose for me.

Keep on pledging/donating people! We're doing great so far!!! Tomorrow is a big day. Finger crossed for a good outcome. The right outcome. The only possible conceivable outcome!! Total at £122,650.00 as I type!

Edit - I've just added the original color version as an extra - for those who wish to see what it looks like!

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