Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Tufted Titmouse

I plunked a Hibiscus down in front of the window with the bird feeder stuck to the outside of it, so it's both harder and easier to get a close-up of a bird. Harder because of all the leaves, easier because they don't notice me as much. This is a Tufted Titmouse.

The extra is a reflection of a part of our house, in a puddle outside. It would take way too long to explain what the puddle is on - leave that for another day. I did turn the photo over to get the house right side up.

I'm in a rush to get to town to meet #1 Son and go see Star Wars! And then dinner out. Neither of these photos have been faffed. No time for that! Just cropped. I'll catch up with you and your blips and commenting... tomorrow!!

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