
Cosmo's dog walker was unable to come over to collect Cosmo today due to flood damage. However as it happened Cosmo was feeling a little under the weather herself.

I had arranged to go to meet Cosmo in the morning. She did manage to wag her tail to say hello, but was not jumping around with excitement when I went in as she usually is.

I took her out for a couple of short walks during the day. Here she is with her coat on, and indicating that she wants to go home and have a rest in the warmth. Her raincoat is looking in need of a clean. It got quite dirty when she was out in the snow a couple of days ago.

It would have been a good day for a walk as the rain stayed off all the time I was with Cosmo, so she could have had a nice walk, though the ground was very damp with lots of puddles and muddy patches. All Cosmo wanted to do was sleep, hopefully she will be feeling better tomorrow.

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