The Lancastrian

The Lancastrian Hall sits opposite the Civic Centre in Swinton. At this time of year it is revealed in its full .... glory. Both the silver birch immediately in front of it (a lovely tree) and the limes on Chorley Rd are without leaves, so it is in full view. On my arrival this morning the sun was shining (it did not last) with shafts of light illuminating the structure. This is as good as it gets.

The building now lies vacant with the removal of the library to the nearby Gateway Centre. Its future is uncertain, and it looks worn and sad. It isn't pretty, but then it's not trying to be.

Beneath it sits Puccinis, Swinton's most popular italian restaurant. It makes great play of its association with Manchester Utd - back in the 1990's Ryan Giggs (born and schooled in the area), Gary Neville and David Beckham lived nearby and this was their favourite place to eat. Which explains the Pizza's a la Neville, Giggs ... etc.  

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