Toys and Wasps

Firstly thank you to everyone whose views, stars and hearts sent yesterday's blip to the front page of popular - I think that's only the second time I've been there since 'popular' started.

Today Sebastian and I have been very busy.  We started out looking for Blaze's lego (which has been stored away since Blaze left home 10 years ago).  Initially we only found his transformers, but that was enough to keep Sebastian happy.  We took them to work with us and they kept him busy for the morning - which meant I got more work done.

When we got home we found 2 buckets of the lego - which Sebastian covered the lounge floor with.  Since then I found the other 2 buckets full.  My goodness I hadn't realised just how much of it there was.  I have even found his instructions folder so I may eventually be able to build some of the original models - if I ever find the fine wee pieces in four 10 litre buckets of parts!

While Sebastian played with that I continued to my excavations in the cupboards, finding a bag full of dinosaurs and one full of army men and vehicles.  The lego got put away and there is now a dinosaur vs army war going on all over the living room floor.  I love the imagination of 6 year old boys.

Aspects of toy discovery were going to be my blip but I took my camera with me when I went to feed the chooks and captured this wasp on my lavender.  I don't think I've ever seen such a hairy wasp before.  But what I really like about this is that you can see the patterns in his eye.  Wasp and bumblebee eyes amaze me how they have these patterns in them if you get the light angle just right.

NOTE:  Thanks to Cabbagetree who has pointed out that this is probably a Wool Carder Bee, not a wasp.  It's nice to know the correct identification.

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