
By Cari

Oh, Beehave!

The first time I saw Austin Powers(the first movie) I didn't like it. Then I watched it again and for some reason saw the humor in it the second time. Mike Meyers really turned it on for those movies! Ooohhh...BeHAVE!!

Another gorgeous perfect day on the coast! Had a pretty good day at the store. I have tons to do so will probably be going in tomorrow for a bit. I'd like to start the week fresh! Today at lunch, Glenn and I drove out to the town of Coquille. It is about a half hour drive from here and is where the county offices are. Glenn had some business(boorrrrinnngg!) so I walked around with my camera while he did that. They had so many day lilies planted. Beautiful! I took a few photos of those then I came across the cutest little green frog. My first thought was where was the water source. Maybe a fountain or a little pond. But, no, just a little frog on the day lily plant. Snap snap then moved on. There was a wall of climbing ivy that was pretty. And, what do I see?? More cute little green frogs!! There were lots of them! Still wonder where the water was. I had a hard time deciding between this little hiding bee or this little green frog!!! Since I have posted a little frog recently I decided to go with the cute little bee. It was down in there looking out and preening itself. Then along came another bee! They wrestled for a second. Seemed to me that the little bee won and resumed his position in HIS lily. Nature is so entertaining! I sure wished I had my macro lens on my camera. But it was actually kind of windy so it probably would have just frustrated me more :|

Yesterday our son went down behind our house into the trees and discovered a 'secret garden'. Actually it's just forest ground but it was so neat with trails and such. I had been reluctant to go back there. I was more adventurous when I was younger and didn't think before I did. When you go back there the smells and the forest floor transfer me to walking in the woods up on Mt Hood with our kids when they were young. Doesn't take much to bring back a memory, huh.

Wishing you all a very wonderful weekend!!

Happy Friday

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