Running juuuuuuuuump!

A good morning, feeling like the subjunctive is starting to get much more normal to me...and that I will one day be speaking in the subjunctive without even thinking about day! 

This afternoon we had a beach party for one of Asha's friends...she turned 5! See the extra for the birthday girl blowing out her candles! Her Dad is a world-famous DJ (& also a Brummie like me!) and SUCH a nice guy....but I definitely felt faaaaar more relaxed and at home in José and Soli's house in Sa Penya, than I did with this crowd in Playa D'en Bossa... Talk about being out of your comfort zone...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Our wonderful soup whizzer...I just LOVE it...and I positively delight in the wide variety of food Asha's eating (and enjoying!!) without complaining!
2) Hearing about the people Danny saw & had conversations with whilst prayer walking...whilst I got to grips with Spanish (or attempted to!)
3) The logic - or lack of - of kids... Asha & the others found one of the guys motorcycle helmet & decided the best course of action would be to bury it in a massive hole in the sand... Fortunately for the owner, Danny stepped in with some grown-up logic. The best bit was that they were all quite serious that it actually WOULD be the best thing to do! Ha! 

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