Life through the lens...

By ValC

Don't be fooled!

Orange and rapeseed oil cake with cream cheese frosting.
Recipe by James Martin.
From James Martin: Home Comforts.

Very yummy, but was it worth all the effort?
I don,t think so.
On TV the other day it took James Martin about 10 mins.
Now I know these programmes are edited,but I didn't 't think it would take all afternoon!
Zesting 3 oranges, peeling 2 oranges, and cutting it into julienne strips to make candied peel.
Cutting orange flesh, and mixing in a food processor with the oil.
Whisking eggs and sugar in another bowl.
Sifting flour and ground almonds.
Folding all together.
Baking for 1 hour.
Whisking cream cheese, crime fraiche, and icing sugar for the topping.
The washing up kept piling up too!
So we will enjoy it now, but won't be making it again!

Many thanks for your hearts and stars for my reeds and reflections yesterday, which helped it to reach the popular pages. Always a great thrill.

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