Seagull sunset

A truly dreich day, with steady cold rain turning into flurries of sleet. There was some improvement late in the afternoon, so I dashed down to the Rowing Lake in the hope of a bit of late colour . Boy, was it cold though! For the first time this winter I needed my hat and gloves, but even so my finger tips were glowing by the time I got back to the car. But it was worth it to see a proper winter sunset...

This evening we went to a talk on Climate Change by the CEO of our local Wildlife Trust, who also happens to be an old friend. He's an excellent speaker and managed to be both scary and uplifting, rallying us to put pressure on politicians about the need to care for the environment, not just for the plants and wildlife, but also to ensure a sustainable and healthy future for humankind. Possibly preaching to the converted, but sometimes we all need reminding why we do what we do...

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