Aunt Bessie...

So you're walking down the street and you see Aunt Bessie## drive past in her car. You wave, you head on your way. You tell your family on your return that you saw Aunt Bessie earlier.

So by that rational... I saw Tim Peake this morning. A bit further off than Aunt Bessie, but I saw him and waved.

I was out taking the bin out this morning before leaving for work and saw a spot of light crossing the sky a lot faster than a plane would and with no flashing lights. Quick Google search on the way to the bus stop and indeed, the ISS was listed as passing over the UK at the same time I was stood there.

I've always wanted to see the ISS but whenever I've purposely tried, either missed it or the conditions were not conducive to the exercise. Kinda odd that I saw it when I wasn't actively looking for it.

## I don't actually have an Aunt Bessie but it helps push the metaphor along.

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