
By TheJuicyDoyenne

First Snow of the Season

We experienced our first measurable snowfall of the season here in central Pennsylvania this morning. It wasn't enough to require shoveling but it was enough to brighten up the landscape a bit, and if you ask me, that's exactly the right amount of snow to have,
The afternoon squall left about a half inch of white powder on my front porch, so just before sunset I set about the task of sweeping it off before it had a chance to really ice up (it was pretty frigid out by this time).
As I was finishing up the snow removal I noticed that the sky was starting to perform some really awesome dramatics, so I grabbed my camera and took a few stills and even a short video ( I'm not so much a video person but thought I would try out this feature of my new camera).
I chose this late afternoon view of my street for today's Blip primarily because I love the deep azure blue of the sky and how it contrasts with the clean, bright whiteness of the newly fallen snow.

...Is white the absence of all color
Or merely the start of a new palette
On which is transformed the most mediocre tableau
The scene of undeniable beauty wrapped in snow..

~ Audrey KirchnerFresh Snow

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