
By Hanulli


I admire other people for their ability to have a proper household.
I always fail :-(

Today I started at 5:35 am as usually. I tried to awake under a shower, made brakefast, shooed my daughter out her bed and helped her with getting ready for school. At 7:20 am her bus arrived.

I had heard that someone had  rolled his bin to the street - what is unusual for a friday - so I was searching the plan with the dates for the clearence of the different bins (we have 4 diffenent bins). Usually I had noted this on my calendar, but I had no time for this this year until now.
With a big hurry through the house I had collected all the dirt and the bin was  at the street in time ( we have to bring it to a collecting point )

While J. had his breakfast I was ironing his emergency shirt.
After he left for his work I started the duties of the day: washing day :-(
For severeal reasons I was late with this and I collected a big number of clothes. After sorting I started the first machine and then I removed the dry clothes from the washing line. ( we don't have a drier)
I started a second loading and had a cup of coffee, while I was answering some mails and had a short look at blip. I wanted to know what was the matter with blipfoto and with seathreepeo, who had a bad date when we were in our vacation. Two  times good news :-D
Omo got a short brush (I had to hoover so it was a good opportunity to groom him before) then I started the next wash and left to walk Omo together with my friend and her dog - our weekly chat-dog-walk :-D
We chose a way across the hill and got a painful icy and stormy snow.
Back home I switched the wash again and hurried to T.'s school for a meeting with her teacher, to talk about the aims of advancement.

It isn't that funny to hear about the bad behavior of your child. Time to change   try to change some things....
I brought a bis special (talking)  globe with me I wanted to borrow to the class, because they have geographie now, but it refused to work :-(
I got a book and a CD for English lessons to copy the things I will need for T's speaking computer. It must be back on monday :-(
We had to buy some  things for school, so we went shopping after I carried the globe back to the car. Shopping with T. is always an adventure :-D

Back home I started the next loading of wash. (so did my son while I was away) My laundry basket started to get a little bit overloaded :-D
But first and hardly I needed a cup of coffee. Time for another short visit at blip. I saw Grahams sad news and struggeled with my words. I saw that TerryBob and Pewe were back (very good news) but I first wanted to look back what happened to them before I would comment.
I tried to make a blip (we sat exact at the frontierline to snow) but I failed.
I went to the whashing machine for the next change and found my blip of today :-D. Then at last I hanged the wet clothes onto the washing line.

Than it was time to prepare dinner. After eating J. left with Omo for a walk and I hoovered. (Omo is very afraid of hoovering, silly dog), did two  other washes and hanged the clean clothes onto the line,  tidied up the kitchen, feed the dog, made some other cupa and finally brought T. to bed.

Then J. taught me some features at the computer ( for exampe how to use remote control at the Computer). I phone every evening with my dad, who is 81 and lives in Munich. Now he had destroyed his computer. "Oh, I don't know what this is (MS Office) - I better delete this :-(  "
He has a very special sight how computer should work and it is not really easy to try to change something on the pc with him.... but I was lucky, he was to tired to struggle with his computer ;-)

So I had some time to make my blip more interesting and finished the last loading of clothes. On my way back I took the shirts with me, I still had to iron. I hate ironing, so I was distracted by a very old  "Dr. House"
Until 1:30 am I had ironed 6 shirts, did no commenting at blip and decided to be tired enough for the bed :-)

Is still anybody reading? Than I can appologize, that I still fail with commenting again and again. I really appreciate your reactions on my blips, they make my day brighter and happy. 

(I wrote this text within 5 hours with many interruptions :-D  )

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