Life through the lens...

By ValC

Look out! Look out!

Look out! Look out!
Jack Frost is about!
He's after our fingers and toes;
And all through the night,
The gay little sprite
Is working where nobody knows.

He'll climb each tree,
So nimble is he,
His silvery powder he'll shake.
To windows he'll creep
And while we're asleep
Such wonderful pictures he'll make.

Across the grass
He'll merrily pass,
And change all the greenness to white.
Then home he will go
And laugh ho,ho,ho!
What fun I have had in the night.

Poem by Cecily E. Pike.

I remember this poem from my early school days.
No double glazing in those days, and my bedroom window had frost on the inside!

I couldn't find anything out about the poet.
Just wonder when this poem was written, and do they still teach it in schools today?

Although cold it has been a wonderful sunny day.
Wrapped up well, and walked down to the village.
Just winter how I like it.

Hope you are all enjoying the weekend.

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