Bit of a boring day............

Had to go to work with Ann today so we did a bit of a trek along the beach and around town first thing this morning. (See extras for the lovely sunrise.)

Ann was by herself in the office all day today so I didn't even get a play in the park at lunchtime.  All I got was a walk around the car park and a bit of a sniff and a wee on the grass verge.  Booohooo.

And then after work I got a walk into town so that Ann & her friend, Denise, could have a well earned bottle of wine in the 'Queens Hotel'.  Well that wasn't the most exciting thing for a little collie to do after a day in the office.

But do you know what happened after the humans had finished drinking wine?..................  Ann said, 'Molly, I'll walk you the long route home because you've not really had a very exciting day have you?'

So we walked the long route home (see photo of St Ives in the dark in extras) & as soon as I got home I got my dinner.

........................But actually..............  Spending a day in the office and going to the pub after work has worn me out, so I can't be bothered to eat my dinner.

Snooooooooozing in my bed now. xxxxx

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