
By RadioGirl


"A house with daffodils in it is a house lit up, whether or no the sun be shining outside. Daffodils in a green bowl--and let it snow if it will"

From an essay on Daffodils by A A Milne (1882 - 1956)

An early start this morning, as Mum was on sidesman duty at St Luke's.  Armed with de-icer and scraper, I opened the front door ready to clear the frost off the car.  To my surprise, not only was there no ice but there wasn't even any condensation on it.  Dry as a bone!  Bitterly cold, though, despite the lack of snow.

I bought a couple of bunches of daffodils for Mum yesterday afternoon - like the author A A Milne, they're her favourite flowers.  The warmth indoors has encouraged them to burst out their cheerful yellow petals to dispel the gloom of winter and lift the spirits.

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