
Friends, I try here to be honest and open. To share with you what is happening in my world however challenging that might be. Over the last few years we've gone through some tough stuff together but I've aimed for transparency and you've been kept abreast of developments. So it's with some shame that I have to tell you that I've been keeping a secret. There has been a very big thing bubbling under and I've kept mention of it away from Blip. I think I'm strong enough now to discuss it.

Since Christmas my Yorkshire Pudding mojo has been missing! I made Yorkies on Christmas Day and they were a bit blah. I made some the other weekend and they simply didn't happen. I was worried; how can anyone face an uncertain world without the sure knowledge that they can make decent Yorkshire Puddings? Would I need to rush to the crutch of Aunt Bessie? I deliberated revealing myself here because I know that you would have been understanding but, to be honest, this is the sort of burden which I didn't feel able to put on you guys.

Yesterday I roasted some lamb and I decided to go for it one more time. I made four and this is a shot of one of the remaining two. As you can see it looks as though I have regained the missing mojo. I cannot tell you how happy I was yesterday evening, it's like a weight has been lifted. I even feared that I'd have to switch to only eating Italian food as that doesn't involve making Yorkies; it's just opening a tin of Heinz Spaghetti and toasting a bit of white sliced. 

It has been a cautionary tale. To be shown a barren Yorkshire pudding-less future is a stark lesson and one from which I plan to learn. It's like being shown a world of black & white and then let back to a world of full colour - I plan to make full use of the colour and to make LOTS of Yorkshire Puddings

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