Robert Ostrochovsky

By youoregon1

Ancient Trees: Portraits Of Time

...for Mono Monday's Second Year Anniversary and the "Tradition" theme

The inspiration for the title comes from a book published about two years ago. A fine challenge indeed!

This is my first post since Abstract Thursday and just wanted to say thanks for the great accomplishments last week. I noticed some great and famous names popping up in the posts and comments from that day of blips. And it makes me feel that we are appreciating our Tradition of artists. So if I may name a few that came up:
Enricho David
Paul Klee
Henri Matisse
Francesco del Cossa
Salvador Dali
The Hague
GOMA of Scotland
McManns Gallery
Ferrero Rocher (that was a box of chocolates but sounded good)
The best is Beachcomber149's, who's who in art post, who paid homage to quite a few.

And in still another Tradition, in the category of cataclysmic earth changes, there was an interesting story about a sudden drop in the water level off the Oregon coast related to the Cascadia Subduction Zone yesterday. Things like this believed to be followed by many many feet of water surging across the western coast. Cheers!
Me believes it's a hoax :)

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