A day of ups and downs

I woke up with my eyes glued together all bloodshot and gunky. My illness has now moved to my eyes as well. Perfect.

Walked out of the house at 8.30 to be met with the most stunning winter morning. Prefect blue skies, white frost all around and beautiful colours as the sun hit the buildings.

An awesome youth ministry network. Connecting with some great folk, worshipping together, being encouraged in our ministries and dreaming of things to come. Some exciting conversations about pioneering new work in Telford. Catching up with lovely new friends full of gentleness and wisdom.

Looking at myself in the mirror and seeing red eyes.

Taking my gunky head to go and meet the head of RS at TJC's school. Brilliant to talk about working together and exploring how we can help the girls grasp the reality of faith in people's lives.

Going to the pharmacy and then nearly crying a bit on returning home. Conjunctivitis. Perfect. Nurse Malesi administering healing drops to my sore eyes.

Hearing that my keys had been found! And then remembering how they got to be where they were and feeling a bit silly about the whole thing.

Not feeling well enough to run even though I'd promised myself that today would be the day.

And relax.

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