Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today was 'working with photo library' - day at the school. I cleared the schools little camera (that I don't get along with at all!! A little Canon Powershot something, automatic and totally crazy...) from over 800 pictures. First copying everything on an external hard drive, then deleting the photos from the camera one by one (yes...), pausing to sort the copied photos into different folders, and then deleting the sorted one from the camera. I'm sure there was a better faster system to do this - delete them all at once, but I wanted full control so one by one it was. Next step is to tag them with occasion and year. That's what I do now, two days a week. Tag and sort. It's not really as bad as it sounds! It's kind of fun sorting through photos from years back, trying to find out what was going on - what occasion, trip, theme day and so on it is. A bit of detective work some times. :) And, the satisfaction of seeing how the photo library grows is not bad either!  I also had a little chat with a fellow anthropologist doing some research in a different field, at the school. Fun to talk with someone who speaks the same 'language'. :) She will be around for some time, so we will have time to chat again.
Tomorrow is the best day, the studio day, the creative and fun day! 
A frosty winter wonderland welcomed me home but I was to lazy, tired and hungry to take the DSLR with me for a walk... 

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