
.......frills of a carnation from a lovely bouquet of creamy white and green flowers sent with love from Daughter A for my birthday yesterday.

It's been a hot, muggy, day, 30C. After taking girl friend A to the airport I came home and started the washing and then found a lovely shady area under the trees and just relaxed. I'm unsure when I'll next see A as she's moving to Melbourne, perhaps I'll have to hop across the ditch much later in the year when the temperatures have cooled down.

Your all so kind sending me birthday wishes, stars and hearts, I'm feeling very spoilt and very touched, thank you :))))

And today is flowerFriday, warm thanks to BikerBear for continuing to hosting this wonderful challenge :))

Enjoy the weekend everyone, keep warm or stay cool depending on where you are in this big 'ole' world :)

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