Back In The Saddle Indoors .

When temperatures are very much minus it can be risky to ride your bike out of doors. Too much cold air breathed in,i ce , falls, need I say more . Swimming Baths are 'OUT' since water is heated to 30°c Vile. What to do ? Whilst in Manchester I found this amazing device  for indoor bike training.Yesterday the huge cycle store nearby had a delivery and I bought one .It's just been delivered and  assembled for me .( blue eyes work wonders ) So here it is .In my living room. Bohemian but who cares.My knees are screaming for cycling .I miss it too. The view is spectacular and I need my sunglasses as I cycle. 30 mins each morning and evening , increasing gradually will help me .Much better than an exercise bike . Once the weather is safe I can easily unlatch my bike and take out of doors . Every problem has a solution .....Look at Blip .We  found it thanks to four terrific Blippers  By the way you can still pledge , donate whatever .The more money we have to start the venture after the sale has gone through , the better .

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