Happy Birthday Mum. xXx

I love this lady! She's just hilarious!

This is my step mummy. Shes an amazing lady and I love her to bits. She more than makes up for what my other other lacks. The other one I havnt seen for 23 years.

We broke into her house while she was out to lunch and fitted her some rails in her walk in wardrobe and built her a bird table. She was so excited with her new rails. When she got home, I then had to remove dead animal fur from her broken bumper. She was quite traumatised that she had hit something in her car and couldn't bring herself to look but knew she had 'stuff' all over her bumper. I wasnt even sure what it was. The fur was long, grey underneath with brown tips. She thought it was a monkjack but I thought maybe fox.

Anyway, after a few glasses of wine and a piece of birthday cake, she felt much better. My sister, brother in law, niece and nephew then arrived and we all took her out for an amazing curry. I was very good and resisted alcohol, starter and pudding and only had tandoori king prawn, so no fattening sauce, despite the fact my brother in law ordered 4 onion Bhaji.....make that 4 PORTIONS of Bhaji....12 Bhaji's in total!!!!! (10 of them are now in the freezer!)

We had a lovely evening and mum decided to put the napkin on her head and call out "I want to live in a nunnery" several times!! I think she may have had a few too many glasses of wine...but it was her Birthday so we let her off and just laughed our heads off and Snapchatted her of course!   
But the highlight of her day was certainly her new rails. How to make an old lady very happy!!!!

Here she is with her glass of wine....sorry....birthday cake!

Happy Birthday Mummy. xXx

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