The rest of forever...

By DrMac

A lesson in photography

An early blip for me. We had rather a lazy start to the day, not waking until half seven and then walking the dogs for half an hour in warm, dry surroundings. That's a novelty! After breakfast I washed and polished the car before we went to Doddington to catch up with our friends. Lots of nice drinks and cakes, photographs and gossip. This is my FIL explaining the intricacies of his Rolliflex camera- a large format, twin lens, mirror view finder, solid film camera. Well that's Paul's description of my words, it's old. And looks complicated! FIL is explaining it to our friend, Stu, who looks as bemused as I was! Anyway, I got lots of photos of Stu's little lad but this one was about the best. All the others had too much going on in the background!

Internet and phone line is still not working so I can't do any of the school work I had planned to. Bummer. In laws have headed home, I've done the food shopping so now I think I might sort through photographs, write letters and put away the laundry before making dinner. Rock and roll!!

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