
Genus Helleborus can be rhizomatous, herbaceous or semi-evergreen perennials forming a clump of pedate basal leaves, or evergreen with erect, leafy stems. Large, bowl-shaped flowers are borne in loose clusters in late winter or spring.

Goodness, I've been on the go ALL day, sooooo busy at work and stayed late. A very quick nip out at lunchtime to finish off Birthday gift shopping for #2 daughter's Birthday next Tuesday and get parcel in the post, and a quick visit to the Festival Centre Garden in the hope of catching a Spring flower blip, or two. The Crocus aren't out yet and only two clumps of Hellebore to be seen. The Snowdrops which I saw last year were nowhere to be seen - perhaps mice have eaten them?

Really glad it's Friday - well pooped I am tonight. Have a happy weekend everyone.

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